Click above and use your school email and ID number to log into our Google Classroom.
Help your child to strengthen Math & Reading skills at home in a fun way. This is the same program we use at school. Click above and use your school email and ID number to log in. This program will help students to be better prepared for the Smarter Balanced test they will be taking spring!
Although rare, school closures and delays do happen. Check here if you think the weather might impact the school day. School closures/delay updates are usually posted between 5:30 and 6:00 A.M.
If you'd like to take a peek at the latest information from "Peachjar", our district's electronic flyer communication link, just click above. You can also register to have it sent to your email address whenever a new flyer is added.
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Welcome to Third Grade! I'm so happy to be here and I hope you are too!
This is my 34th year of teaching and my 32nd year at Fir Grove. I have taught in LRC, Title 1, 1st Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade and now Third Grade.
I LOVE to read and I LOVE encouraging students to read. Check out my Battle of the Books information.
I also love Science and Math. Actually, I just plain LOVE learning!
I hope that your third grade year is the best year ever. I look forward to learning and growing with all of you!
August / September
August 299-Meet the Teacher(12:30-3:30) 4-First Day (Red Carpet-8:30) 18-Skate Night (6-8) 20-Picture Day (Order online or send money) 24-PBIS/STOM Assembly (2:25) 24-28- Bully Prevention Week 25-Book Reports Due 27-Battle of the Books Interest Meeting (11:45)
4 - PICUTRE DAY 12-No School (Professional Development Day) 16Skate Night (6-8) 22 PBIS/STOM Assembly (2:45) 24 Walk-a-Thon Fundraiser Money Due(This money reduces amount due for our Newport field trip in June) 25 Picture Retakes 30Book Report Due 31-Walk-a-Thon (1:00-1:40) 31-Harvest Party (2:35-3:15) 31-Halloween (Be safe tonight!)
2-No School (Grading Day 4-Daylight Savings Time (Move clocks BACK one hour) 6-Thanks & Giving Night (5:30-7:00) 6-12-Book Fair 7- School Day/ Conferences 4:00-8:00 pm 8--No School(Conferences 8:00-8:00 on the . 8th) 9 - No School/Teachers off to make up for long conference nights. 12-No School(Veterans Day) 15-Battle of the Books Interest Meeting 15-Battle of the Books Apps. Due Dec. 3 20-Skate Night(6-8) 22-23-No School(Thanksgiving Break) 26-PBIS / STOM Assembly (2:25) 27-NO Book Report Due
3- Battle of the Books Apps Due 17-PBIS/STOM Assembly (2:25) 18-NO Book Report Due 18-Sing-a-Long (2:45-3:15) 21-PJ Day 21-Christmas Party (245-3:15) 24-7No School(Winter Break)
1-No School (New Year's Day) 7-School Resumes (Monday) 21-No School (Martin Luther King Jr. Day) 15-Skate Night (6-8) 25-No School (Grading Day) 28-Feb. 11-Bully Prevention Week Revisited 28-PBIS/STOM Assembly (2:25) 29-Book Report Due
14-Valentine's Day Party(2:35) 18-Presidents Day(Snow Make-up Day) 19-Skate Night(6-8) 25-PBIS/STOM Assembly(2:45) 26-Book Report Due
10 Daylight Savings Time (Move clocks forward one hour) 25PBIS/STOM Assembly (2:25) 19 NO Book Report Due 19 Skate Night (6-8) 25-29No School (Spring Break)
Smarter Balanced Testing April & May(8:00 bedtime please!) 5 No School (Grading Day Conferences) 9-15 Book Fair 11-12 No School (Conferences) 16 Skate Night (6-8) 21 Easter 22 Awards/PBIS/STOMAssembly (2:25) 30 Book Report Due
Smarter Balanced Testing continues this month (8:00 bedtime please) 6-10-Teacher's Appreciation Week 12-Mother's Day 21-Skate Night (6-8) 20-PBIS/STOM Assembly (2:45) 24-Flag Placement at VA Cemetery (9:30) 27-No School (Memorial Day) 28-Last Book Report Due
7-3rd Grade to Newport Coast Aquarium (6:20am-5:30pm) 8-RHS Graduation 12-Last Student Day(Field Day & Movie) 16-Father's Day